Our Story, Vision & Mission
Soul Source was born naturally from my long journey of seeking. Seeking what I still do not know... BUT I know that the way I was living for most of my life was hurting me, destroying our Earth and crushing my spirit. To the point that I was so lost and sick mentally, physically and spiritually. Waking up with the same feeling of emptiness, meaninglessness and confusion. Feeling stuck in the system, yet not knowing any other way to live. The death of my best friend to suicide, and losing my aunty to cancer was what it took to make me question life and gave me the courage to veer off the path set for me and find my own way.
So, I started trying everything, experimenting on myself, questioning everything I was programmed to believe in. Quickly, the veil of society fell and I became 'aware' or 'awake' to the absurdity of the way we are living our lives. Making ourselves sick without even knowing it. As I started freeing myself from the deep programming, I went through a rollercoaster of thoughts & emotions... Anger, confusion, self-doubt, distrust in everything and long period of emotional numbness which I am slowly coming out from.
My mission is to be here for everyone who is also waking up from this mass psychosis. I know it is so overwhelming when everything you thought you knew is pulled out from beneath you. You start thinking where do I even begin? Who can I trust? What do I do with myself now?
Well this is all part of our own great journey of healing. I see Earth as a reflection of us and we are all a part of this. It starts with taking care of yourself. Caring for each other, and naturally healing our planet. Think of yourself as a cell in a body. If it is not functioning properly and the life-force is low it is causing damage to the whole. We need to reconnect to the "SOURCE" of life. Otherwise we are running on artificial life support through modern day synthetic medicines, which just block the symptoms of what our intelligent body is trying to communicate to us. Jumping from one bandaid to another, numbing ourselves, getting cheap dopamine hits to keep us going. Just like if an apple is plucked from a tree it will rot because there is no life force flowing through it. They can spray it with chemicals to artificially prolong its life... But what kind of life is that. We need to be in the circle of life. In the FLOW. Just like plants and every living thing.
Through nature we can learn everything. It is the book of LIFE! I see that the unnatural way of life is NOT working. I was doing everything "right" by the system. Yet I was sick. Chronic acne - taking poison doses of accutane & antibiotics to mask the symptoms my body was trying to tell me I was drowning in toxins, my blood is dirty (just like our Earths waters), my liver is overburdened, my gut wasn't eliminating waste properly. Asthma & allergies since a young child (doctors say this is normal), Really it is just chronic inflammation & immune system is in over drive because of the toxic lifestyle (which is
'normal'). Depression & Anxiety, because I was living out of alignment of who I am. We aren't designed to sit down all day in classrooms, stare at a screen all day, regurgitate everything we are taught to be awarded marks and one day a job once we are sufficiently programmed.
I could go on and on...
This forgetfulness of who we are. Has also deeply inspired me to grow. It is through life's challenges we are given the opportunity to grow. So while I was angry and confused on how we have gone so far off. I realise it is a part of life. This doesn't mean we just go along with it... But instead of getting caught up in bitterness. Use this as a platform to grow, share with others, come together again and heal.
This is why I'm here now. I almost left all of this to live in the jungle. BUT how could turn my back on everyone whom I love. I couldn't live with myself knowing that I kept quite when I can help and be a part of the revolution & regeneration of our planet.
Soul Source is the beginning. It is a place for me to share my experience. Help where I can. Create beauty, spread health & knowledge with those who are ready. I know it can be a confusing and lonely path. I pray that I may use the gifts I've been given for the good of all. Through my experiences, mistakes and moments of forgetting... Be able to be a guide and inspiration for you.
Here, I will share what has helped me. Beautiful healing creations & products. Beginning with healing the physical body so it may be a supportive base for your life. Sourcing the best, highest vibration goods from God.
I invite you to join me on this journey. I promise to give my best in all things. With LOVE at the root of ALL I offer.
With Love & Gratitude,
Toby Yo